Un fragmento del documento de la UNESCO:
On 21 November, UNESCO will organize
a Round Table on the main theme of the 2013 World Philosophy Day “Inclusive
Societies, Sustainable Planet” and will welcome distinguished philosophers and
intellectuals from around the world to UNESCO Headquarters. They will discuss
the concepts of social justice, solidarity, exclusion and inclusion in
different societies, issues related to vulnerability of various groups of
people, including women, children, young people, people with disabilities,
minorities, indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees, people living in poverty,
and the interfaces between these issues and sustainable development. Their
philosophical reflection will be developed based on the present-day concerns over
the growing inequalities between the rich and the poor in many countries and
between countries, which are at heart of public debates around the world and
within the United Nations. The participants of the Round Table will explore
such questions as: Are there moral or ethical principles that should be taken
into account in public policies aimed at combatting exclusion and building
inclusive societies? In case there are such principles, how can philosophy
contribute to identifying them? Participants will also highlight the role of
the participatory approach, respect for human dignity, human rights and
fundamental freedoms, education to live together and empowerment with the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to cultivate a culture of peace and
respect for diversity in building inclusive societies and preserving a
sustainable planet.
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